Interrogative Adjectives Definition and Example Sentences PDF Worksheet
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Adjectives are known as pronouns or words that describe nouns. Interrogative adjectives are among seven different adjective types. It can be said that the adjectives are words that change or characterize the names and indicate the questions posed. Interrogative adjectives will help to find answers to the questions people ask.
Example Sentences
- Which gym bag is yours? (The word “which” is an interrogative adjective that changes the bag)
- Which dishes should be eaten every day? (“Which dishes” are the subject of the verb phrase)
- What are you destroying? (interrogative used as pronoun, followed by verb)
- What are you destroying? (used as interrogative adjective, followed by name)
- Which channel did you go to watch? (Options unknown)
- Which channel did you watch? (Can be answered. Because there are options)