Find Correct Adjectives, Opposite Adjectives Exercises With Pictures PDF Worksheet

Find Correct Adjectives, Opposite Adjectives Exercises With Pictures PDF Worksheet

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Adjectives are words that precede names and characterize names in various ways. One of these adjective types is the opposite meaning adjectives. Adjectives are the most commonly used words in English. It is also very useful to know the opposite meanings of words that we use as adjectives, in terms of establishing sentences and using them in spoken language.

We can think of opposite words as the opposite of synonyms. Just as synonyms can match more than one word with the same meaning, they can match many words in the same way in contrast to many words. Knowing what these are will expand our use of adjectives. Opposite adjectives contain words that have a negative meaning relationship between them, whose spellings are different from each other and their meanings are completely different from each other. In order for a word to be opposite, it has to have a meaning and quality. There is a very confused topic. for example, the opposite of the word ‘wait’ is not ‘not to wait’. In other words, the opposite meaning of a word is also not its negative. We should not confuse negative words with negative adjectives.


Here is +100 Opposite Adjectives List

  • Short – Tall
  • Young – Old
  • Dirty – Clean
  • Soft – Hard
  • Close – Far
  • Easy – Difficult
  • Deep – Shallow
  • Distant – Near
  • Cheap – Expensive
  • Curly – Straight
  • Small – Big
  • Slow – Fast
  • Bitter – Sweet
  • Early – Late
  • Selfish – Generous
  • Happy – Unhappy
  • Cold – Hot
  • Dishonest – Honest
  • Friendly – Unfriendly
  • Patient – Impatient
  • Tidy – Messy
  • Pessimistic – Optimistic
  • Careful – Careless
  • Talkative – Taciturn
  • Wide – Narrow
  • Delicious – Awful
  • Modern – Ancient


  • Slow – Fast
  • Thick – Thin
  • Straight – Curly
  • Ugly – Beautiful
  • Useful – Useless
  • Top – Bottom
  • Warm – Cool
  • Thin – Thick
  • Empty – Full
  • White – Black
  • True – False
  • Safe – Dangerous
  • Modern – Traditional
  • Happy – Sad
  • Loose – Tight
  • Beautiful – Ugly
  • Big – Small
  • Strong – Weak
  • Healthy – Sick
  • Low – High
  • Poor – Wealthy
  • Brave – Cowardly
  • Lazy – Hardworking
  • Light – Heavy
  • Dark – Light
  • Straight – Crooked
  • Bad – Good
  • Insane – Sane
  • Thin – Fat


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