10 Types of Nouns List and Examples PDF Worksheet For Students and Kids

10 Types of Nouns List and Examples PDF Worksheet For Students and Kids

For PDF Worksheet, Click Here; 10 Types of Nouns List and Examples PDF Worksheet For Students and Kids

Common Noun

Nonspecific people, places, things or ideas

Examples; Man, city, religion etc…

Proper Noun

Specific people, places, things…

Examples; Albert Einstein, London etc…

Abstract Noun

Something that you can not perceive with your five senses

Examples; Belief, love, pride, happiness etc…

Concrete Noun

Something that you can perceive with your five senses

Examples; Apple, lion, eyes, flower etc…

Countable Noun

Can be counted

Examples; Pencil/pencils, apple/apples, train, clock etc…


Uncountable Noun

Cannot be counted

Examples; Milk, music, food, water, snow, rice etc…

Compound Noun

Made up of two or more smaller words

Examples; Textbook, snowball, seafood, sunflower

Collective Noun

Refer to a group of things as one whole

Examples; Bunch, audience, flock, group, family

Singular Noun

Refer to one person, place things, or idea

Examples; Cat, dog, ship, monkey, hero etc…

Plural Noun

Refer to more than one person, place things, or idea

Examples; Dogs, cats, ships, babies etc..

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