Phrases for Invitations Examples in Speaking PDF Worksheet For Students and Kids

Phrases for Invitations Examples in Speaking PDF Worksheet For Students and Kids

For Download PDF Worksheet, Click Here; Phrases for Invitations Examples in Speaking PDF Worksheet For Students and Kids

  • Are you free Tuesday night?
  • Are you doing anything Friday night?
  • Would you like to join me for lunch?
  • D’ya wanna grab a coffee after class?
  • Let me check my calendar.
  • Do you wanna see a movie?
  • Would you like to join me for dinner?
  • How about a game of football on Monday?
  • Would you like to have breakfast with me tomorrow?
  • Would you like to come to the theater with me tonight?
  • Will you join me for tea?
  • I’ve got two tickets for a cinema on Saturday. Would you like to come?
  • Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
  • How about coming to the picnic at the football club?

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