24 Musical Instruments Names with Pictures Flashcards PDF Worksheets For Students

24 Musical Instruments Names with Pictures Flashcards PDF Worksheets For Students


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24 Musical Instruments Names with Pictures Flashcards PDF Worksheets For Kids

24 Musical Instruments Names with Pictures Flashcards PDF Worksheets For Students

Musical Instruments

Musical instruments are the general name given to the instruments used to make music. In general, any object that makes a sound can be called an instrument. The deep history of instruments has existed since the beginning of human life. The first instruments were used during rituals in ancient times. For example, the following instruments are included in these rituals:

  • Trumpet
  • Drum

Over time, such instruments began to be used for entertainment purposes. Thus, we encounter many types of instruments today. The branch of science that examines the types, history, and construction of these musical instruments is called Organology. Instruments are not only related to their science but also other branches of science. These disciplines are:

  • Acoustic Science
  • History Of Art

As a result of archaeological research, musical instruments were used 5000 years ago. The foundations of instrument science were laid at the beginning of the 20th century.


Types of Instruments According to the Form of Sound

For many years, musical instruments have been divided into groups according to the way they sound. These groups are:

  • Stringed Musical instruments: In stringed musical instruments, the strings vibrate and sounds of different intensities and heights emerge. The wires are thin and thick. Today, the preferred stringed instruments are Mandolin, violin, guitar, baglama, lute, zither, cello, and harp. There is also a string system inside the piano. With the mallets inside the piano, the strings are struck. Sounds emerge from these beats.
  • Percussion Musical Instruments: The purpose of percussion musical instruments is to create vibration by striking stretched leathers or thin metal plates. This gives rise to sounds. The most preferred percussion musical instruments are drum, saz, snare drum, cymbal, triangle, tambourine, and darbuka.
  • Woodwind Musical Instruments: Instruments whose sound is produced by the vibration of the air through the lips are called wind instruments. With the holes on these instruments, sounds with different qualities emerge. Examples of such instruments are kaval, zurna, flute, ney, saxophone, clarinet, bagpipe, oboe, and trumpet.


+170 Musical Terms and Musical Instruments Names List

1. accent

2. accordion

3. acoustic guitar

4. adagio

5. aeolian harp

6. allegro

7. alphorn

8. alto

9. alto saxophone

10. andante

11. anvil

12. atonal

13. baby grand piano

14. bagpipe

15. balalaika

16. ballad

17. bandoneon

18. bandura

19. banjo

20. bar

21. barcarolle

22. baritone horn

23. bass

24. bass clarinet

25. bass drum

26. bass guitar

27. bassoon

28. bell

29. bongo drum

30. bouzouki

31. bow

32. brass instruments

33. bugle

34. cadence

35. calliope

36. cantata

37. carillon

38. castanets

39. celesta

40. cello

41. celtic harp

42. chimes

43. cimbalom

44. clarinet

45. classical guitar

46. clavichord

47. clavier

48. clef

49. coda

50. coloratura

51. concertina

52. conch

53. conga drum

54. contrabass

55. cornet

56. cowbell

57. cymbals

58. decrescendo

59. didgeridoo

60. diminuendo

61. double bass

62. drum

63. drumsticks

64. dulcimer

65. dynamics

66. electric guitar

67. electric organ

68. english horn

69. euphonium

70. fiddle

71. fife

72. flugelhorn

73. flute

74. fortepiano

75. french horn

76. glockenspiel

77. gong

78. grand piano

79. guitar

80. hammered dulcimer

81. harmonica

82. harmonium

83. harp

84. harpsichord

85. helicon

86. horn

87. hurdy-gurdy

88. instrument

89. interval

90. jaw harp

91. jew’s harp

92. kazoo

93. kettledrum

94. keyboard

95. lute

96. lyre

97. madrigal

98. mallets

99. mandolin

100. maracas

101. marimba

102. mellophone

103. melodeon

104. minuet

105. moog synthesizer

106. musical instruments

107. musical saw

108. mute

109. nocturne

110. oboe

111. ocarina

112. organ

113. pan pipes

114. penny whistle

115. percussion

116. piano

117. pianofort

118. piccolo

119. pipa

120. pipe organ

121. player piano

122. program symphony

123. progression

124. pump organ

125. rainstick

126. rattle

127. recorder

128. reed

129. sackbut

130. saw

131. saxophone

132. scale

133. scat singing

134. sequence

135. sitar

136. slide whistle

137. snare drum

138. sousaphone

139. spinet

140. spoons

141. steel drum

142. steel guitar

143. string bass

144. string instruments

145. strings

146. synthesizer

147. tabla

148. tambourine

149. theremin

150. thumb piano

151. timpani

152. tin whistle

153. tom-tom drum

154. triangle

155. trombone

156. trumpet

157. tuba

158. tubular bells

159. ukulele

160. upright piano

161. valve

162. vibraphone

163. viola

164. viola da gamba

165. violin

166. violoncello

167. vuvuzela

168. wagner tuba

169. washboard

170. whistle

171. wind chime

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