Irregular Plurals List, Singular and Plural Irregulars with Pictures

Irregular Plurals List, Singular and Plural Irregulars with Pictures


There are singular and plural nouns in English. To make singular nouns plural in general, the suffix -s is put at the end of the noun. But the rules of nouns that want to be made plurally irregularly are different.  Some of them are given below with sample sentences:

The names that can be counted are followed by the suffix –s, but depending on the last letter, it may differ.


Irregular Plurals List

Here are detailed irregular plural nouns list;

Singular Plural
Trout Trout 
Genus Genera
Focus Foci
Person People
Tooth Teeth
Curriculum Curricula
Mouse Mice
Wife Wives
Deer Deer
Vita Vitae
Quiz Quizzes
Index Indices
Datum Data
Aircraft Aircraft
Woman Women 
Leaf Leaves
Fish Fish 
Sheep Sheep 
Singular Plural
Goose Geese 
Tuna Tuna 
Ellipsis Ellipses
Codex Codies
Lavra Lavrae
Erratum Errata
Oasis Oases
Ox Oxen
Swine Swine
Trout Trout
Analysis Analyses
Series Series
Child Children
Foot feet
Nebula Nebulae 
Leaf Leaves
Diagnosis Diagnoses 
Alumna Alumnae 

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