Read Sentences and Circle Animals Names and Pictures PDF Worksheets For Kindergarten

Read Sentences and Circle Animals Names and Pictures PDF Worksheets For Kindergarten

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+250 Animals Names List

1. Ainu Dog

2. Airedale Terrier

3. Akbash

4. Akita

5. Alaskan Malamute

6. Albatross

7. Aldabra Giant Tortoise

8. Alligator

9. Alpine Dachsbracke

10. American Bulldog

11. American Cocker Spaniel

12. American Coonhound

13. American Eskimo Dog

14. Angelfish

15. Ant

16. Anteater

17. Antelope

18. Appenzeller Dog

19. Arctic Fox

20. Arctic Hare

21. Arctic Wolf

22. Armadillo

23. Asian Elephant

24. Asian Giant Hornet

25. Asian Palm Civet

26. Asiatic Black Bear

27. Australian Cattle Dog

28. Australian Kelpie Dog

29. Australian Mist

30. Avocet

31. Axolotl

32. Aye Aye

33. Baboon

34. Bactrian Camel

35. Badger

36. Balinese

37. Banded Palm Civet

38. Bandicoot

39. Barb

40. Barn Owl

41. Barnacle

42. Barracuda

43. Basenji Dog

44. Basking Shark

45. Basset Hound

46. Bat

47. Bavarian Mountain Hound

48. Beagle

49. Bear

50. Bearded Collie

51. Bearded Dragon

52. Beaver

53. Bedlington Terrier

54. Beetle

55. Bengal Tiger

56. Bernese Mountain Dog

57. Bichon Frise

58. Binturong

59. Bird

60. Birds Of Paradise

61. Birman

62. Bison

63. Black Bear

64. Black Rhinoceros

65. Black Russian Terrier

66. Black Widow Spider

67. Bloodhound

68. Blue Lacy Dog

69. Blue Whale

70. Bobcat

71. Bolognese Dog

72. Bombay

73. Bongo

74. Bonobo

75. Booby

76. Border Collie

77. Border Terrier

78. Bornean Orang-utan

79. Borneo Elephant

80. Boston Terrier

81. Bottle Nosed Dolphin

82. Boxer Dog

83. Boykin Spaniel

84. Brazilian Terrier

85. Brown Bear

86. Budgerigar

87. Buffalo

88. Bull Mastiff

89. Bull Shark

90. Bull Terrier

91. Bulldog

92. Bullfrog

93. Bumble Bee

94. Burmese

95. Burrowing Frog

96. Butterfly

97. Butterfly Fish

98. Caiman

99. Caiman Lizard

100. Cairn Terrier

101. Camel

102. Canaan Dog

103. Capybara

104. Caracal

105. Carolina Dog

106. Cassowary

107. Cat

108. Caterpillar

109. Chicken

110. Chihuahua

111. Chimpanzee

112. Chinchilla

113. Chinese Crested Dog

114. Chinook

115. Chinstrap Penguin

116. Chipmunk

117. Chow Chow

118. Cichlid

119. Clouded Leopard

120. Clown Fish

121. Clumber Spaniel

122. Coati

123. Cockroach

124. Collared Peccary

125. Collie

126. Common Buzzard

127. Common Frog

128. Common Loon

129. Common Toad

130. Coral

131. Cow

132. Coyote

133. Crab

134. Crab-Eating Macaque

135. Crane

136. Crested Penguin

137. Crocodile

138. Cross River Gorilla

139. Curly Coated Retriever

140. Cuscus

141. Cuttlefish

142. Dachshund

143. Dalmatian

144. Darwin’s Frog

145. Deer

146. Dingo

147. Discus

148. Doberman Pinscher

149. Dodo

150. Dog

151. Dogo Argentino

152. Dogue De Bordeaux

153. Dolphin

154. Donkey

155. Dormouse

156. Dragonfly

157. Drever

158. Duck

159. Dugong

160. Dunker

161. Dusky Dolphin

162. Dwarf Crocodile

163. Eagle

164. Earwig

165. Eastern Gorilla

166. Eastern Lowland Gorilla

167. Echidna

168. Elephant

169. Elephant Seal

170. Elephant Shrew

171. Emperor Penguin

172. Emperor Tamarin

173. Emu

174. English Cocker Spaniel

175. English Shepherd

176. English Springer Spaniel

177. Entlebucher Mountain Dog

178. Epagneul Pont Audemer

179. Eskimo Dog

180. Estrela Mountain Dog

181. Falcon

182. Fin Whale

183. Finnish Spitz

184. Fire-Bellied Toad

185. Fish

186. Fishing Cat

187. Flamingo

188. Flat Coat Retriever

189. Flounder

190. Fly

191. Flying Squirrel

192. Fossa

193. Fox

194. Fox Terrier

195. French Bulldog

196. Frigatebird

197. Frilled Lizard

198. Frog

199. Fur Seal

200. Gar

201. Gecko

202. Gentoo Penguin

203. Geoffroys Tamarin

204. Gerbil

205. German Pinscher

206. German Shepherd

207. Gharial

208. Giant African Land Snail

209. Giant Clam

210. Giant Panda Bear

211. Giant Schnauzer

212. Gibbon

213. Gila Monster

214. Giraffe

215. Glass Lizard

216. Glow Worm

217. Goat

218. Golden Lion Tamarin

219. Golden Oriole

220. Golden Retriever

221. Goose

222. Gopher

223. Gorilla

224. Grasshopper

225. Green Bee-Eater

226. Greenland Dog

227. Grey Mouse Lemur

228. Grey Reef Shark

229. Grey Seal

230. Greyhound

231. Grizzly Bear

232. Grouse

233. Guinea Fowl

234. Guinea Pig

235. Guppy

236. Hamster

237. Hare

238. Harrier

239. Havanese

240. Hermit Crab

241. Heron

242. Highland Cattle

243. Himalayan

244. Hippopotamus

245. Honey Bee

246. Horn Shark

247. Horned Frog

248. Horse

249. Horseshoe Crab

250. Howler Monkey

251. Human

252. Humboldt Penguin

253. Hummingbird

254. Humpback Whale

255. Hyena

256. Ibis

257. Ibizan Hound

258. Iguana

259. Impala

260. Indian Elephant

261. Indian Palm Squirrel

262. Indian Rhinoceros

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