Important Prepositions List in English PDF Worksheet For Kids
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- Abroad
- About
- Above
- According to
- Across
- After
- Against
- Ago
- Ahead of
- Along
- Amidst
- Among
- Amongst
- Apart
- Around
- As
- As far as
- As well as
- Aside
- At
- Away
- Barring
- Because of
- Before
- Behind
- Beyond
- But
- By
- By means of
- Circa
- Concerning
- Despite
- Down
- Due to
- During
- In
- In accordance with
- In addition to
- In case of
- In front of
- In lieu of
- In place of
- In spite of
- In to
- Inside
- Instead of
- Into
- Except
- Except for
- Excluding
- In front of
- In lieu of
- In place of
- In spite of
- In to
- Inside
- Instead of
- Into
- Except
- Except for
- Excluding
- For
- Following
- From
- Hence
- Like
- Minus
- Near
- Next
- Next to
- On account of
- On behalf of
- On to
- On top of
- Onto