Using On The Other Hand, Definition and Example Sentences PDF Worksheet

Using On The Other Hand, Definition and Example Sentences PDF Worksheet

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It is used when talking about an event, situation or action and vice versa. The use of this is also like. On the other hand pattern appears in books, criticism, novels, essays and poems. Learning this pattern, which is generally used in daily life, will also help to speak English easily.

Example Sentences

  • I want to go to eat, but on the other hand I have to study hard.
  • I want to sleep at home, but on the other hand, I have to get into work and earn money.
  • I want to play football outside, but on the other hand, I have to iron at home.
  • Everyone mocked with Emma’s idea, but on the other hand, Emma’s idea was very interesting to me.
  • I don’t have much talent in playing football, but on the other hand, I hit the ball with very hard and various violent turns.

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